Discover Your Ancestral Patterns

Learn How We Repattern

Experience Transformation

Online Offering


Welcome! I feel inspired teaching and sharing the knowledge and information and felt sense knowing about ancestral/ generational healing that I’ve been gathering and putting into practice. Most of our work and healing at this time in humanity is working with the impact of Ancestral Traumas. Epigenetics show that 98% of our DNA is ‘junk’ DNA or ‘non coding’ DNA meaning, ancestral trauma that is distorting the expression of our healthy DNA. Our bodies and lives are telling the stories of our Ancestors. We can work with these traumas, we can rewire our neural pathways & nervous systems, we can alter our dna through awareness, reconnection with our essence & relational healing. And there are shamanic & somatic practices to support this rewiring as well as new crystalline energies available in supporting this great shift on the planet right now. 


Each class includes teaching, an experiential practice & a Q & A. 

In these 2 classes I share:

~ Information about ancestral trauma

~ How we become imprinted energetically & physiologically with ancestral traumas

~ How Ancestral Traumas affect us now

~ How we can work to heal the layers & matrix of ancestral patterning.

This course is an Intro to the immense and wide field of Ancestral Healing. This is a dipping our toes in to the wisdom and knowledge that can orient us in healing in the ancestral realms.

In this course you will learn about:

~ How ancestral patterns influence your life, so you can consciously start to work with and become aware of these patterns

~ The great work of this time, so you can tune in to your role and the bigger impact of your personal work

~ Healthy order/ place for the ancestors and our place in that, so that you can find clarity & ease in your right place in your family field

~ The morphogenic field, so you can consciously relate with this powerful ‘knowing field”

~ Energetic versus somatic cellular healing, so you can make shifts on the most fundamental physiological level

~ Imprints and how they create our personal then family matrix, so that you can start to track your own matrix and discover empowerment and clarity in knowing your inner world

~ How to activate our healthy DNA, so that you can lean more and more into the health that is held within

~ How to disentangle from ancestral energies & loyalties, so you can connect more and more to your own sovereign essence and being

~ The orders of Love, to bring more coherence and love into the ancestral field and the ecosystems of our lives

~ How we can work together in relationship to support the healing of generational trauma, so you can build more resiliency and togetherness in this healing journey

~ How we can work with our own energies for the future generations, so that you can consciously co-create life for those yet to come

~ How ancestral healing can happen and be amplified in relation to our children & partners, so that you can amplify your healing and your families healing

and more......

Ayni (Sacred Reciprocity) $99


“I just completed your Ancestral Healing Masterclass and it really made me want to learn more, and to continue healing parts of my ancestry. I felt shifts during and after that I haven’t felt in other work I’ve done.

I’ve taken many courses in somatic work, tapping, meditation, and have experienced chakras work & cord cutting … I’ve taken numerous courses surrounding healing work, but I have not done any ancestral work until yours. It felt like many dots connected for me after your course.”
~ course participant.


Courtney Wren-Mabbutt MSW, RSW