Constellations Processes

Constellations are a relational process of tuning in to the ancestral, family, land and cultural field/ systems of energy all around us~ the morphogenic field or ‘knowing’ field. We join together in this together-space to listen and embody what is unspoken in the field, what is known by the soul, but unseen. Through curiosity and presence we support our energy fields, DNA, nervous systems, cellular imprints and relational fields with family, community and land- the systems of all we are in relation to- to be transformed, for more love to flow.

Types of Constellations:



Karmic/ Soul



Internal Family Systems

Cosmic (cosmovision)

I offer constellations as 1:1 or family sessions, as well as offering in person and online workshops. In group offerings~ we work as a collective field with individual intentions in a group process. I also offer constellations work as part of retreats/ other offerings including my 1:1 sessions- it is woven into the fabric of how I AM with people.

Upcoming Constellations Workshops~ Click on Events Page to find out about upcoming Constellations Workshops or add yourself to my mailing list

1:1 Constellation Session~ I offer 1:1 Constellation Experiences both online and in person. Click button to receive more details and to apply

If you are interested in this work, you may find it helpful to check out the Ancestral Healing Masterclass (available now via recordings) which will give you a sense of Ancestral & Collective repatterning work.



"I’ve been truly in awe of the Constellations process. It’s rather bizarre and really amazing. Just so so cool. (Who would think that “therapy” could be cool, hahah)
Sitting in and holding a circle with intention in itself is always a beautiful practice. With Constellations, it’s a powerful experience in many ways. Getting to witness Constellations, as a part of a circle, allowed me to recognize certain patterns in my own family line, and the themes that have been running through many families in the world. There is such strange clarity that comes; the “aha”/“duh” moments, the bits of understanding that seem obvious once there’s attention drawn to them. It’s like a bright flashlight of focus pointed at something that’s been around for some time but didn’t have a clear shape. And now it can be named, freed, shifted, acknowledged.Being a representative in a Constellation is yet another incredible experience. Such a gift to assist someone else, and to temporarily embrace a very different energy. So much learning that is being felt within. And then having my own Constellation done. So different. Having that “degree of separation” while a flow of information happens in front of me,- really special to have the space to feel into each element and what arises. Also, the power of a community in all that,- so so heart filling.

Courtney is such a beautiful guide. Truly hats off to her. For the work this deep, I feel very grateful to have connected with a facilitator who leads with such grace, poise, knowing, openness, generosity, honesty. I feel great trust in her intention and skill. After each Constellations weekend with Courtney, I’ve felt a new sense of wonder, movement within, curiosity, and empowerment in new ways. It’s been really interesting to hold new conversations with my family as well. So grateful.”~ Yana K.

Thank you  Katelyn Edgar  for your amazing guidance into the vibrations of  Divine Prosperity   Feeling the sweet overflowing divine energies of sparkling radiant abundance-1.jpeg

Podcasts/ Interviews about Constellations:

A Conversation with Dr. Kevin Preston (TCM) about Systemic Constellations

An interview on the Kootenay Co-op Radio show~ Shift Happens



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